Monday, January 19, 2009

Great gobbling goodies!

Thanks to Liz for bringing us a report from TNNA and the goodies. She showed us the knit one below in action, we had three new people, two said they would be back again. Nancy is making fantastic progress on her sweater, she's up to the neckline and ready to do the hood, Brandi did her swatch for the Sylvi coat, I was working on the psuedopomatomous sock and we generally took over the corner once again. I almost spilled my Double Chocolate slurpee on my knitting bag and I tried to take pictures of Nancy's coat but only one turned out good enough.
I'm debating on making a sock or a hat out of the Sour Balls sock yarn. Now that I know how to make a round top hat instead of a pointy top.
Oh and my son in law thinks he might have a size 11 foot! dangit!
Meanwhile in real life, we're out of money, out of food enough to fix for five people and I don't get paid until Wednesday, daught gets money Tuesday but most of that goes to daycare. I get vacation money and a day off next month, but most of that goes to bills. Really need to save out half the vacation money for a real vacation in April or June. Or to fix the car, pay up on some bills .. that kind of stuff.
::sigh:: Not enough to get a computer unfortunately..not even enough to pay down a credit card decently.
I'm looking forward to having a mostly empty house in four months. I already signed up for another 14 months here, so moving is not an option. The kitchen sink is backed up due to son not realizing that cucumber skins won't get processed good enough.
We're all hungry and it's not a good feeling to not provide for people under my roof.
Cross my fingers, knock on wood and all that the car holds out. Going to go see what I can scrounge in the kitchen.

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