Saturday, March 14, 2009

Back to the Lily Pond sock

After discovering this new short row method, I have decided to rip back the Lily Pond sock and use that heel. I got out the cards I made for it and discovered that one of the lines was almost totally obliterated from it sliding around and being played with by granddaughter. I panicked because I couldn't remember what book I got the stitch from.
At lunch today I suddenly remembered that I had made some notes in my journal book in my bag. Lo and behold..there it was! I got the stitch from the Vogue Dictionary of Stitches!
Yay! Because I need to add on about two more inches of foot before I can start the heel. The Oriel Sock has an impossibly long foot section and it looks like I'll be able to get two full repeats of the lace on the leg before having to start the cuff.
Another 'yay'.
Oh, and I listed a few of my earrings on Etsy again as well as the first version of my Infinite Stitches Pattern Cards.
Yay! Spread the word... I'm selling them now. Hopefully. As soon as I get some more cash flow in, I'll be trying to streamline the process so I can make a set of ten in one night. The only thing left is to get the extra fine sharpies to go in with it and the large bags. I figure by the time I get the first order, I'll have enough change to get those and be all set.
Oh yeah..the label cards... that's easy.
Okay, so I just have the cards and laminating sheets, binder rings and clips..but that's good right?
Alright, going to go laminate some more so I have some ready.

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