This is a needful post to show off my sister in law Olivia's gift to me. She crocheted a prayer shawl for me.
That's the best shot of it, and still doesn't do it justice. The yarn is multiple strands held together so there's one skein in the middle that has white in it. I'll have to model it sometime and get a good shot of it.
I am making one in return for her, with the same condition that I use 'what I have on hand'.
I am knitting a pair of infant sweaters for the twins, in Chargers light blue with a yellow and white band on the upper sleeve. Everyone who's seen it here immediately recognize the color scheme. Good. I didn't want to try and figure out how to do a lightning bolt!
I just picked up a new book, inexpensive surprisingly! Knit Prayer Shawls: 15 Wraps to Share buy Leisure Arts. Hardbound and small enough to take with me. It's got some gorgeous patterns in it using yarn I could find almost anywhere! Great stuff and it is only $10!
Okay, now I need to go do some actual knitting. The first sleeve on the baby sweater is down to the cuff and I am in the middle of the shawl....
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