Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Another one down!

I finished the matching hat for the sweater and will be starting a pair of socks to match the set from the blue. I'll be using the 'Naptime' Baby TLC to do a pom pom for the hat, it's going to be sooo cute! Photos coming as soon as I get good light to show off the colors in the sweater. The needles from KnitPicks still haven't come, hoping for tomorrow.
Baby things are so easy to finish quickly, even with ripping back I can finish a top down sweater in about two weeks, maybe three. A pair of socks in about the same time and a hat in two or three days.
I have a four year old granddaughter and a six year old grandson that could use some accessories too, but getting the size right is a bit more complicated. I've got a picture of Ava's 'Neopolitan Sweater' on flikr, going to have to upload more of the other stuff. Said that already didn't I?

Okay, nothing left to say.

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